The zip code 63103 is located in county Missouri. There are approximately 6,900 people living in zip code 63103. They make up households. The average income per household in the 63103 zip code is $35,968. The median age of the residents is 32 years old (which is 34 years old for males and 30 years old for females).
Drury Inn-Union Station Link
Washington Avenue in Downtown St Louis Link
Central Library-St Louis Public Library headquarters Link
Allegorical Window in the Grand Hall St Louis Union Station
Harris-Stowe University Link
2020-washington-lofts Link
The Monogram Building, c. 1912 - the former CPI Corporation Headquarters Link
Bogen Lofts in the Lesser-Goldman Building on Washington Avenue, built 1903 Link
St Louis Union Station Link
The paddle boats at St Louis Union Station Link
laurel-lofts Link
Christ Church Cathedral Link
Windows Lofts Link
Schlafly Tap Room Microbrewery Link
City Museum Link
St Louis Gateway Transportation Center Link
Aloe Plaza Link
Streetview of Grand Center Link
Upper Limits Rock Climbing Gym Link
Aloe Plaza, Ameren, Campbell House Museum, Celebrate St. Louis Summer Concerts, Central Library-St Louis Public Library Headquarters, Chaifetz Arena - St Louis University, Christ Church Cathedral, City Museum, Dance St Louis, Downtown-Washington Ave Dining, Downtown-Washington Ave Shopping, Enterprise Center, Fox Theatre, Grand Center Arts District, Grandel Theatre, Harris-Stowe State University, Kranzberg Arts Center, Lucas Garden Park, Metropolitan Gallery St Louis, MilliporeSigma (formerly Sigma-Aldrich), Moto Museum, PERMANENTLY CLOSED - CPI Corporation, Powell Symphony Hall, Saint Louis University, Schlafly Tap Room, Scott Joplin House State Historic Site, Soldiers Memorial Military Museum, St Louis Aquarium at Union Station, St Louis Blues Hockey, St Louis City Hall, St Louis Missouri, St Louis Symphony Orchestra, St Louis Union Station, St. Louis Gateway Transportation Center, St. Louis Union Station Shopping, Stifel Theatre, The Black Repertory Company, The Rialto Ballroom in Grand Center, Upper Limits Rock Climbing Gym,